Experience design framework

A cruise operator had commissioned a range of design agencies to develop concept work for the onboard experience for a new fleet of cruise ships. The design work was inspiring, but lacked a coherence and senior management could not discern a direction. Plan was asked to develop a unified experience design vision. A key challenge was striking the balance between coherence and sensitivity to very different spaces, spanning from cabins to gyms, restaurants and night clubs – some being deliberately eclectic to add variety to a week’s voyage.

We identified a handful of guiding insights from our trend database and the client’s trends studies. These were linked to the brand purpose, to develop a design vision, and a set of CX values and principles. The values and principles provided the backbone to the design story that was presented to the board. These recommendations secured backing to move from concept to development stage of the cruise ship design.

- The SVP of Design and Customer Experience had a clear story and an actionable framework to cohere her team and agencies around
- Our recommendations secured board backing to continue with design development