SHARE The shape of things to come SHARE Kevin McCullagh 17 Mar 2016 Kevin Kevin founded Plan in 2004. Before this, he was a director at product design consultancy… Read more from Kevin View profile Related Views View all Foresight My worries about the rush to go electric EVs and the infrastructure they need are not ready yet ArticlesMobility Foresight Designing for uncertain times Tips on how to shorten your odds on future bets Slide decksDesign leadership Foresight Innovation After Corona: This does not change everything ArticlesInnovation Foresight FT Future of Mobility Summit 2019 ArticlesMobility Foresight Mobility futures The CASE – Connected, Autonomous, Shared and Electric – vision faces severe delays Slide decksMobility Foresight Thoughts on the FT Future of the Car Summit 2019 ArticlesMobility Foresight Stop freaking out about robots Three reasons why we should welcome the march of the robots ArticlesAutomation Foresight Choices on the road ahead article Some of the decisions to be made around Mobility services, EVs and AVs ArticlesMobility
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